Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Little Falls - Morrison County Record Entry Title: Track-25b-Sports photo-Kimman Oberfeld Brezink Guillen take home all-conference titles at LF GRC meet-Ashley Kimman Entry Credit: Blake Bartels Judge Comment: This photo is clear and sharp. I think this was an amazing shot. You can really see the intensity and concentration of the athlete clearing the high jump.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Minneapolis - Northeaster Entry Title: Samarion Robinson & Drake Pham Entry Credit: Alex Schlee Judge Comment: This photo is crisp and I like that you can see the expressions on the runners’ faces. The colors are great too.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Cambridge - Isanti-Chisago County Star Entry Title: Throwing on the brakes Entry Credit: Dee Ann Sibley Judge Comment: This photo is very clean and crisp. Good shot. I like that you can see the expressions on the faces of the cow and the cowboy. I just wish the photographer would have gotten the name of the cowboy for the cutline.