Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Brainerd Dispatch Entry Title: Jessica Gaden Page Design Portfolio Entry Credit: Jessica Gaden Judge Comment: Your top of the fold layout on front is a real eye catcher and sells a lot of single copies, I suspect. Have you ever considered same size on deck heads. The bigger ones tend to fight with the main headline.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Willmar - West Central Tribune Entry Title: Paula Chhetri Page Design Portfolio Entry Credit: Paula Chhetri Judge Comment: Nice photos, well played. Good headlines.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Alexandria Echo Press Entry Title: Marcy Nickel Page Design Portfolio Entry Credit: Marcy Nickel Judge Comment: I loved the way you gave good photos the play they deserved. I'm not sure what the white space is in the bottom left corner. Got to be a different way to do that.