Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Buffalo - Wright County Journal-Press Entry Title: Vojtech Voice Entry Credit: Emily Vojtech Judge Comment: As a reader, I sensed the anger from the mass shooting story but not as a political view as Emily states in her article. Making the reader sense an emotion, without being persuasive, is key!
As a parent, I related so well to her Gabby Petito article. Voicing a concern for our country and striving to make changes is what we all need to lean into. Teaching children how to treat others is perfect!
The last article was a great depiction of showcasing Minnesotan women.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Ely Echo Entry Title: Capturing Interesting Local Characters Entry Credit: Tom Coombe Judge Comment: You created a great example of leaving a legacy for your community. Through the story of Linda being such a pillar of your community, to Anne being the only female to own a business in town, these women created their own way and you created great stories!
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Ely Echo Entry Title: Diana Mavetz Petrich Entry Credit: Diana Mavetz Petrich Judge Comment: "Do the work on earth." What a poignant statement. Something we could all strive for.
You lead the reader through the last days with you mother and it was such an emotional ride. Through your foundation with God, your mother's strong faith, there was no doubt there was love in this story and peace at the end for both.
In "June," the photos added a nice detail to sum up why June is your favorite.