2021 MNA Better Newspaper Contest

Best Use of Social Media ( Over 7,000,3,001 to 7,000,1,501 to 3,000,1,001 - 1,500,Under 1,000)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Worthington - The Globe
    Entry Title: LIKE My Summer Photo
    Entry Credit: Roberta Fultz
    Judge Comment: None
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Jackson County Pilot
    Entry Title: Jackson County Pilot Sports
    Entry Credit: Jackson County Pilot
    Judge Comment: None
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Jackson County Pilot
    Entry Title: Jackson County Pilot Facebook-Opinion
    Entry Credit: Jackson County Pilot
    Judge Comment: None
  • Competition Comment: LIKE My Summer Photo is absolutely the perfect way to get print readers involved online and vice versa. Readers love seeing the faces and names of people they know, and that's exactly what this charming feature does, in addition to bringing all the platforms together. Using social media for sports is a great way to get readers involved, because it's the first place they'll look for timely results -- tweets and photos is a smart way to go. I do like the Facebook comments and these can be useful. However, I can say from experience it can also be asking for trouble when controversial issues arise: Why didn't you use my comment? You're censoring my opinion!