Local Breaking News Coverage ( 3,001 to 7,000)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Worthington - The Globe Entry Title: Ellsworth loses historic city hall Entry Credit: Alyssa Sobotka Judge Comment: This story captured not only a great "breaking news" story, but the fact it was a local historic town hall makes it that much more newsworthy. It's not just a random house fire or some other police call. It's the loss of an historic structure. And your coverage included the progression throughout the day, from the morning battle to the afternoon demo — all in time for the next day's edition. And that sidebar with residents' reactions pushed you to the top. Great job, phenomenal coverage!
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Park Rapids Enterprise Entry Title: "A Complete Loss" Entry Credit: Shannon Geisen Judge Comment: This epitomizes great "breaking news" coverage. A call over the scanner, a rush to the scene, ongoing updates and a great final package for print. And kudos to the photographer for such strong art, which really drove home the magnitude of the fire, particularly in that front-page presentation.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Worthington - The Globe Entry Title: 'That's a miracle' Entry Credit: Julie Buntjer, Ryan McGaughey, Tim Middagh Judge Comment: Great on-scene coverage here, with deadline looming for the following day's edition.