Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Perham - Focus Entry Title: Now Hiring: Perham has more jobs than people: Business and community leaders tackle the demands of a growing workforce with collaboration and creativity Entry Credit: Marie Johnson Judge Comment: Very comprehensive. Graphics and multiple pull-outs pushed this story to the front of the pack.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Pine City Pioneer Entry Title: Thinking outside the box: While other companies specialize, Pine City’s Minpack thrives by doing just about everything Entry Credit: Mike Gainor Judge Comment: Really interesting look into the mind of a visionary and entrepreneur. Great mix of a personality profile and nuts-and-bolts business story.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Wadena Pioneer Journal Entry Title: Baking Legends Entry Credit: Michael Johnson Judge Comment: Solid piece of work, and your baking pun game is on point.