Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Jackson County Pilot Entry Title: We Did It Entry Credit: Dan Condon Judge Comment: The author did an impeccable job of detailing the match. I also appreciate the effort made to provide background info pertaining to the history of the program. Very detailed!
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Foley-Benton County News Entry Title: Novak bids fantastic farewell to high school career Entry Credit: Evan Michealson Judge Comment: A masterful job of capturing the long-awaited, and crowning achievement of Novak's storied prep career. The story flowed seamlessly throughout.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Norwood Young America / Watertown - News & Times Entry Title: Sports Story - News & Times Entry Credit: James Stitt Judge Comment: Good job of explaining the challenges of the sport. Nicely done piece.