Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Cambridge/North Branch-County News Review Entry Title: Cambridge-Isanti celebrates the Class of 2022 Entry Credit: John Wagner Judge Comment: Perfection!!!! The headline is perfect. It brings together the photos. I appreciate the visual variety of images ... the reaction, the detail photo, the crowd ... all of it.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Jackson County Pilot Entry Title: Girls of Fall Entry Credit: Dan Condon Judge Comment: The dominant photo is fantastic! Excellent design! So well done! The imagery is strong, and the design enhances the photos.
Competition Comment: I only chose 2 winners because there was such a strong divide in the entries ... photo stories are stronger with a variety of photos that are visually different. The winners display this perfectly. The design makes the photos pop .... some of the designs and stories were muddled by too many photos on the page or a lack of a dominant photo.