Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Brainerd Dispatch Entry Title: Snow squall pileup Entry Credit: Steve Kohls Judge Comment: A true news photo. There was no way to know about an accident in advance - well done although it could have been cropped a bit on the right.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Willmar - West Central Tribune Entry Title: Vigil for Isaac Entry Credit: Macy Moore Judge Comment: This one grabs at your heartstrings and just pulls. Its well done, not intrusive and tells the story.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Brainerd Dispatch Entry Title: Tough road Entry Credit: Steve Kohls Judge Comment: You don't know what its like in cold climates in the winter until steam looks like fire. Nice work.
Competition Comment: Several lovely photos that just weren't news but everyone was beautifully done.
I enjoyed looking at every one of them and seeing the stories they told. Thank you for having me judge your contest - you have excellent photographers.