Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Clarissa - Independent News Herald Entry Title: Building in Hewitt destroyed by fire on Christmas Eve Entry Credit: Trinity Gruenberg Judge Comment: This photo has everything a good news photo needs, its clear, its happening and it tells the story
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Clarissa - Independent News Herald Entry Title: Two injured in rollover Entry Credit: Ray Benning Judge Comment: I'm glad it was you and not me going out after this one - you did a good job and its an exacellent, clean photo that tells a story.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Clarissa - Independent News Herald Entry Title: McMann arrested after fatal accident Entry Credit: Trinity Gruenberg Judge Comment: This has everything a good news photo needs - its clear, its got action, it tells a story. Good work
Competition Comment: News photo are what happens when you aren't ready to go take its picture - they tend to be spur of the moment - grab your camera and run.
Many of the photos in this contest told wonderful stories of what was happening in their towns - however they weren't news photos - they were feature photos (And for the most part very good ones.)