Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Mora - Kanabec County Times Entry Title: Hillman Township residents, confused, frustrated over town road issue, treatment of Crisman family Entry Credit: Kirsten Faurie Judge Comment: a difficult topic to cover, and not allow to get buried, exposes systematic mishaps to the public, shows big picture view, details of history within story,
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Baudette - Northern Light Region Entry Title: City, county split over fate of lodging tax, Tourism Bureau Entry Credit: Robert Hopwood Judge Comment: exposes systematic mishaps to the public, details of history within story, good quotes, shows big picture view from both sides of story, good use of data
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Pequot Lakes - Pineandlakes Echo Journal Entry Title: Cottonwood fluff posing unprecedented fire danger Entry Credit: Travis Grimler Judge Comment: answers local question with expert fact, utilizes relationships with fire department staff,