2022 MNA Better Newspaper Contest

Business Story ( Under 1,000) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Le Sueur County News
    Entry Title: Cambria to add over 100 new positions in plant expansion
    Entry Credit: Carson Hughes
    Judge Comment: Interviews with executives of a large corporation are always a great get. And the explanation of the Chinese tariffs added great insight into how even small-town productions fit into the global economy.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Kerkhoven - The Kerkhoven Banner
    Entry Title: CLOSED AGAIN
    Entry Credit: CORMAC DODD
    Judge Comment: The context around Covid's impact on restaurants nationwide helped paint a clearer picture of why this story matters, and your your writing style added a great conversational tone to the story.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Kerkhoven - The Kerkhoven Banner
    Entry Credit: CORMAC DODD
    Judge Comment: A fascinating topic, and a nice examination of business decisions that the average reader might not consider.
  • Competition Comment: None