2021 MNA Better Newspaper Contest

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  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: MPLS - MN Women's Press
    Entry Title: Minnesota Women's Press
    Entry Credit: Mikki Morrissette, Sarah Whiting, Lydia Moran
    Judge Comment: Very unique and modern layout, love the headlines layered over the photos. Clean design and easy to navigate.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Aitkin Independent Age
    Entry Title: Website, Aitkin Independent Age
    Entry Credit: Aitkin Independent Age staff
    Judge Comment: Nice, modern layout and easy to navigate.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Plymouth / Wayzata Sun Sailor
    Entry Title: Sun Sailor website
    Entry Credit: Staff
    Judge Comment: Articles are easy to access, clean article design, overall clean website design and navigation.
  • Competition Comment: None