Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Anoka County Union Herald Entry Title: Anoka County Union Herald Typography & Design Entry Credit: Jonathan Young Judge Comment: Clean, well-organized design. Varied type sizes and weights create hierarchy. Page 1 index is a nice touch. The photo treatment and design of the ice yoga package on the March 12 are particularly striking.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Worthington - The Globe Entry Title: The Globe - Worthington Entry Credit: Staff Judge Comment: Design of Jan. 20 front page, which was used by other publications in your newspaper "family," was a good concept, but the type in the pull quotes was too small and hard to read. Creative design on March 11 front page. Nice treatment on the county fair centerpiece in Aug. 11 edition, though some extra white space would have helped. In same issue, cutout on sports front gave lead story a lot of pop.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Aitkin Independent Age Entry Title: Typography and Design, Aitkin Independent Age Entry Credit: Aitkin Independent Age staff Judge Comment: Well-organized sections. Good use of varied headline sizes to create hierarchy. Opinion and obituary pages are well-designed. One element that would help front and inside pages: vertical and horizontal lines between stories, which would create separation and eliminate problem of butting headlines.