Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Isle - Mille Lacs Messenger Entry Title: Peering onto the Lake Entry Credit: T.A. LeBrun Judge Comment: Great composition and nice variety of photos.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Edina Sun Current Entry Title: Thirty-five and Over and still loving softball Entry Credit: John Sherman Judge Comment: Liked the facial expressions, especially in the super top photo. Would have preferred a larger variety of views to shake things up a bit -- maybe add a picture of a base runner and a picture of guys in the dugout, for example.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Aitkin Independent Age Entry Title: Photo Story, Lynn Mizner, "Sap and Tradition Flow" Entry Credit: Lynn Mizner Judge Comment: Would prefer to see more action shots (like the nice photo of the boy pouring syrup) and fewer posed shots.