2021 MNA Better Newspaper Contest

Photography Feature Photo ( 10,001 and Over Multi-Day,5,001 - 10,000 Multi-Day,Under 5,000 Multi-Day)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Mankato - The Free Press
    Entry Title: Dog day
    Entry Credit: Pat Christman
    Judge Comment: Better than the usual fall color photos. The subtlety of the child and the dog in the bottom left make this photo for me. Also shot from a good angle with a higher view which helps the viewer to see the reflection in the lake. Nice job.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Alexandria - The Echo Press
    Entry Title: In like a lamb
    Entry Credit: Lowell Anderson
    Judge Comment: I love the low perspective shooting up at the kids and the tangle of the ropes. A technically difficult shot considering the backlighting.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Fargo/Moorhead - The Forum
    Entry Title: Rainy reprieve
    Entry Credit: David Samson
    Judge Comment: Some people hate photos with no people in them but this one is definitely an exception. The flowers image repeated in the raindrops is great. I've seen this done elsewhere but this one stands out.
  • Competition Comment: None