Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Kerkhoven - The Kerkhoven Banner Entry Title: Mesmerizing Monson Entry Credit: Kari Jo Almen Judge Comment: Photographer captured a lovely Christmas Day sunset and ran it large to showcase the beauty.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Balaton - Press Tribune Entry Title: Borchert's Bench: A place to rest and reflect Entry Credit: Jenny Kirk Judge Comment: This charming photo of a older woman and her beaming, diverse great grandkids may have been a simple posed image but nonetheless drew a smile as a reaction. That's what photography should do.
Competition Comment: Entries in this class had perfectly acceptable photos of winter scenes, community festivals and kids and families. A couple stood out, including a beautiful Christmas Day sunset in one paper. There was also the charming photo of a older woman and her beaming, diverse great grandkids, a simple posed image that nonetheless drew a smile as a reaction. That's what photography should do.