Institutional Advertisement ( 10,001 and Over Multi-Day,5,001 - 10,000 Multi-Day,Under 5,000 Multi-Day)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Alexandria - The Echo Press Entry Title: Alex Golf Entry Credit: Scott Teaser, Katie Hastings Judge Comment: Clean and attractive presentation. Juxtaposition of golf balls with Christmas ornaments is subtle but quite creative.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Detroit Lakes Tribune Entry Title: Quality Value Lifestyle - Dynamic Homes Entry Credit: Robin Stalley Judge Comment: Inviting design and short, concise chunks of information help make this a must-read advertisement.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Mankato - The Free Press Entry Title: Ophthalmology Associates & LASIK Center Entry Credit: Theresa Haefner Judge Comment: Both fun and professional at the same time. Creates a good balance in showing both the clinical side and also the personal side of the business.