2021 MNA Better Newspaper Contest

Headline Writing ( 1,001 - 1,500,Under 1,000)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Tracy Area Headlight Herald
    Entry Title: Headline Writing - Tracy Area Headlight Herald
    Entry Credit: Per Peterson
    Judge Comment: "This perfect storm is anything but" "New center of attention" "Home sweet garage" "Masketball" (I wish I would've thought of that one myself!) These are so well-done -- They definitely make me want to read and have a little sense of humor as appropriate, but without being too clever. These are the headlines that particularly caught my eye, but overall, great headline writing throughout the paper. Also, some really beautiful design elements I'll be using in my own papers!
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Lafayette - Nicollet Ledger
    Entry Title: 10-29-20, 03-24-21, 08-19-21
    Entry Credit: Lee Zion
    Judge Comment: Great teaser -- what is this guy doing on Page 1? With cool design. To the point headlines that aren't overwhelming; good idea of hierarchy.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Norwood Young America/Watertown News & Times
    Entry Title: News Times Headline Writing
    Entry Credit: Staff
    Judge Comment: "Council announces end to homeless veterans" Who wouldn't want to read that? "New home for old shell" That could've been a boring, turn-of-the-screw headline. Love this. Good job with kickers on page 2; clever without being too clever.
  • Competition Comment: Great job by all entries -- clear, concise and to-the-point headlines, some clever headlines with just the right sense of humor, too.