Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Preston-Fillmore County Journal Entry Title: Check out that page count! Entry Credit: Jason Sethre, Amanda Sethre Judge Comment: Subscribers are getting a wealth of detailed information about COVID-19 and how it impacts residents and local communities, useful candidate questionnaires, staff enterprise stories and a variety of features in this newspaper that's packed with something for every reader. Quality journalism and a whole lot more. Bravo.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Little Falls - Morrison County Record Entry Title: 1-31-21, 4-25-21, 6-6-21 Entry Credit: Morrison County Record Staff Judge Comment: Readers of the Morrison County record are fortunate to have such solid coverage of local issues in the local paper.
Competition Comment: Please note that I think many of the papers listed in this category (04) actually are under (05), based on the hard copies I received.