2020 MNA Better Newspaper Contest

Design Portfolio ( Over 7,000,3,001 to 7,000,1,501 to 3,000,1,001 - 1,500,Under 1,000)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Cloquet - Pine Knot News
    Entry Title: Mike Creger design portfolio
    Entry Credit: Mike Creger
    Judge Comment: Typography, photos, spot color and white space all come together on these pages to create imaginative, appealing designs. Clean is the word here. Well conceived and executed, Mike's pages stood above the rest.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Alexandria - The Echo Press
    Entry Title: Design Portfolio For Marcy Nickel
    Entry Credit: Marcy Nickel
    Judge Comment: A designer who knows how to get the most out of a photo. Clean and thoughtful, these are very solid pages.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Tracy Area Headlight Herald
    Entry Title: Design Portfolio - Tracy Area Headlight Herald
    Entry Credit: Per Peterson
    Judge Comment: There is a lot going on in these pages -- maybe a little too much. The designer has a good grasp of typography and color, but the pages need to breathe a bit with some more white space. Seems a little crammed.
  • Competition Comment: None