Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Savage Pacer Entry Title: Trump supporters confront protesters Entry Credit: Dan Holtmeyer Judge Comment: Captured a tense, storytelling moment at the rally. Kid’s expression helps tell the story. Would have loved for photographer to come to eye level with subjects and get even closer to their faces, if possible.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Isle - Mille Lacs Messenger Entry Title: Mille Lacs Motel meltdown Entry Credit: Evan Orbeck Judge Comment: Photographer captured clean clear moment of peak news. Getting to a fire before the flames have been doused can be difficult so kudos to the photographer here.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Worthington - The Globe Entry Title: Fixing power lines Entry Credit: Tim Middagh Judge Comment: The photo looks and feels cold and dark; tells the story of the day. I’d have loved for the photographer to get closer or use longer glass if possible.