2019 MNA Better Newspaper Contest

Herman Roe Editorial Writing Award ( 10,000 and Over,Under 10,000,Over 7,000,3,001 to 7,000,1,501 to 3,000,1,001 - 1,500,Under 1,000)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Mankato - The Free Press
    Entry Title: Sharing data, details improves communities
    Entry Credit: Kathy Vos
    Judge Comment: Taking the opportunity of sunshine week to highlight something all too important is what editorials should be. Yes, Sunshine typically cover public notices, meetings, etc They can and should do more. Bringing into the light a problem that hits home in many communities across this country is important, well done!
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Ely - Ely Timberjay
    Entry Title: Tower City Council is failing to take the primary election breakdown seriously
    Entry Credit: Marshall Helmberger
    Judge Comment: well written editorial, covering the problem and providing solutions. Letting readers know what happened and that little to nothing is being done to correct the mistakes. Would hope that this editorial pushed the elected officials to take action and correct the mistakes.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Kerkhoven - The Kerkhoven Banner
    Entry Title: Ted Here - Are you a racist?
    Entry Credit: Ted Almen
    Judge Comment: Thought provoking editorial. Racism comes in many forms. This editorial should motivate every one of the people reading, to reflect on their own actions. Taking a stand against racism is an inherent responsibility of anyone who calls themselves an American.
  • Competition Comment: None