Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Alexandria - The Echo Press Entry Title: Headline Writing Entry Credit: Echo Press Judge Comment: News and feature headlines throughout the 3 submitted issues are fresh, straightforward and accurate, avoiding cliches and gimmicks. "Half-cent sales tax off the table" and "City calls for bids to extend 44th Avenue" take the readers right into city issues. The sports heads also have a clean approach without overused verbs.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Rochester - Agri News Entry Title: Agri News Entry Credit: Agri News staff Judge Comment: Agri News has a target audience with "Hemp, hops crops generate strong buzz," "Got (more) milk? Large farms a growing trend across Minnesota" and "Students test their chops at barrow show." These heads would play well in any newspaper market. They accurately reflect the stories on farm and ag industry. It's obvious the writers have spent time on these headlines
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Winona Post Entry Title: Winona Post Entry Credit: Sarah Squires Judge Comment: Active voice in headlines. They are accurate and solid in attracting the reader to the stories.